Monday, 22 August 2011

True Living = True Giving

Welcome to the Life Designer Series:
I am mostly delighted to share my thought about the meaning of Life. I am privileged to have lived for about 3 decades plus of my life, not knowing how many decades will I be opportune to witness again. However, the number of years we lived is irrelevant if we do not actually have an understanding of what life is all about.
Life is Abundance. And it is from this Abundance that God Almighty created humans. ....EARTH and WATER. ....”He it is who has created you from clay....; Quran 6:V2  ....And it is He who has created Man from water ......Quran 25V54”
No doubt the most abundant substance in the world is Earth and Water.
Look around you, what do you see? The abundance earth and water and all they contain. The Natural resources that gives meaning to Life is from the duo of water and earth. These two humble nature in service are and willing to always serve the need of man. You wonder why they are popular and inevitable.
In the ancient days what the war lord conquered after endless battle are not the inhabitants of the nation but the “land”. Every man is scrambling to have a piece of the earth. Why? This is because the Earth is always in the service of Mankind. Giving itself up in size and shapes for us to use. And we never stop making reference to it.
Even in the modern days economic, Land is another factor of production.....Despite the threat of the DOT .COM of the 21st century, Land remains valuable asset.

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Fundamental of Start-up Businesses

Welcome to Business Development Series of Bash4Cash.
Who is a start-up? A start-up is an individual or corporation who is set out to launch and test run a new business idea in the market place. Most often, the start-up individual or organisation is green in the area of the new found ventures. Starting -up is mostly born out vision and need for self dependency. An individual that start-up a new venture or business is generally called entrepreneurs.
An entrepreneurs is a visionary person with gut and determinations to develop, introduce, innovate or create a new idea and bring it to fruition. However, in the cause of implementation or execution of the business ideas, the entrepreneurs will face some challenges that are natural to a new enterprise. The willingness and ability of the entrepreneur to remain dogged and progressively seek for corrective solutions is what bring about a successful business after series of failures.
What is a business? A business is an outfit that is set for a primary objective of exchanging values for (cash) reward. The potentiality of the values proposition of the entrepreneurs or of the enterprise is basically determined by the consumer/customers whose needs are being met by the solutions (values) purchased.
How do you evaluate and validate your proposed values as an entrepreneurs?
1. Ask yourself if there is need for the product or service proposed.
2. Research if there is an existing supply of the same product or service.
3. Why would anyone buy yours not your competitors?
To be continued...