Wednesday, 19 October 2011

YOU WIN......An Initiative to Make Entrepreneur Truly Win!

The success of You Win to Nigerian Small Growing Business is critical. In my humble opinion, the ripple effect of this will last for so long a time that so many private SME development company will be challenged to replicate same.. It will start to bring the correction to most mistakes and errors comitted by start-ups. I will like to encourage fellow SME experts to do their possible best to promote the You Win Initiative within our circle of influence.
As a Life and Small Business Coach, I had had first class experience of business failures which ultimately lead to "Life Failure".
This is because a thriving business will expand employ more unemployed and indirectly live become easier for the staff and their families.The opposite is the scenario for a failing business which we cannot afford. Thus, my kudos to the GEJ administration for the YOU WIN initiative, because we must truly win as a nation.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Grooming Enterprise Leaders

Starting out with a vision, riding on with a mission horse and living the true values is a long life test of all entrepreneurs. A business leader will and should know that he is just the captain. The ship will not sail without the crew on board. The crew will not drive the ship without a wilful desire or else the ship will sink.. In business and enterprise promotion, everything is about the leader and NOT all about the leader too. A confusion? No. It is a new thinking that Business Leaders need to possess to be a champion in the ever competitive business environment.
Nigerian Government with the wake up call to support the Small and Growing Business launched a wholesome project tagged Grooming Enterprise Leader (GEL).
It is about the Business, the Promoter, the Client/Customer, Employee and ultimately Profit.
According to Small Business Administration, 95% of start-up businesses never witness their 5th BIRTHDAY.
Is this a threat to Nigerian Business too? Yes. What is the way out. Grooming the Leaders.